Hi @samyyhe , By any chance did you get any answer to your question. I would appreciate if you please can share your thoughts and experience with this. Thanks
@ckandoth and [lakhujanivijay](https://github.com/lakhujanivijay?tab=repositories) I am also getting the same warnings and looking for any suggestions. Thanks
Hi [YiweiNiu](https://github.com/YiweiNiu), I also want to use the read count matrix generated by Seurat which is actually in natural log scale but do not know how to convert these to...
Thanks [YiweiNiu](https://github.com/YiweiNiu), for your response. it worked.
Hi @soerenmueller Thank you for your reply. Can you please explain your answer a bit. I guess after reading, you first calculated the **antilog** for the log2tpm by using 2^a...
Hi [Mengyan](https://github.com/zhumengyan), Even I am facing the same problem with my data. Did you figure-out this issue? In case you have, will you mind to share your experience about how...
Hi [dsteuckm](https://github.com/dstueckm), Its not always "normal = which(hi==1)", you need to check the figure you generate after the step `candRegions=rownames(lrbic)[which(lrbic[,"BIC difference"]>200 & lrbic[,"LRT adj. p-val"]