Brian Oxley (binkley)

Results 45 comments of Brian Oxley (binkley)

I have an OSS project relying on Parboiled. It is not yet, but approaching unmaintainable with current Java versions. 1. Will this project get updated? 2. Should I migrate to...

Thanks for that. I like Micronaut. Might the example be pulled into the docs as a reference? If the link is there, apologies for missing it.

Cool. I am inclined for a docs PR, but it will take me time. My example usages might not cover enough. My goal of a UNIX-friendly command line tool might...

Lordy, I see your issue. I did some checking through plugin sources (in this case, JaCoCo), and "toolVersion" is _ad hoc_, that is not implementing an interface ( -- this...

FYI ... current cygwin says: ``` $ uname -a CYGWIN_NT-10.0 Beren 2.8.0(0.309/5/3) 2017-04-01 20:47 x86_64 Cygwin $ python3 --version Python 3.6.1 $ python --version Python 2.7.13 $ ls /proc 15020/...

@embray I did look through that -- it was depressing. :) Thanks!

I'd like to use Semantic with Kotlin React. Where do I look?

@mikehearn Thank you for the POM snippet!

This looks like cleaner syntax for bundles and additional features / use cases come along for the ride.

I wasn't vocal enough previously. I'm a 👍 on this.