Results 10 issues of binhvq

I'm Can't install app after patched App: axie ifinity.apk

**Describe the bug** ![image]( **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error **Screenshots** If applicable,...

Hi lopuhin. Thanks for your sharing. I used your model to predict the next word, but I found the forecast speed relatively slow, probably because of the lm.inference.get_log_probs function to...

Hi lopuhin! I using your code very nice in training and generate sample in training, please write code for load model, weights... and generate text from other python file. Thanks...

Hi lopuhin! I'm use GPU for trainning but i can't use GPU for text generate. i'm try change device in torch but recived message RuntimeError: Expected object of backend CUDA...

Hi lopuhin! Your code has 1 error in function lm.main._batch_it When validate in last item, batch can is empy. Your code: ![Screenshot from 2019-05-03 14-07-25]( Fix code: ![Screenshot from 2019-05-03...

i have writing one program for benmark your program. ```python import websocket import time ws = websocket.WebSocket() def send(): for i in range(1000): ws.connect('ws://') ws.close() if __name__ == '__main__': send()...

I am using with requests and hyper, i send request to, after init about one minutes send request and hyper error hyper.http20.exceptions.StreamResetError

Hi! kenlm have python but lazy have not python wraper

Please add async function