
Results 9 comments of BingqiChen

@Thom1729 It's my log about the error, and my ST version is 'build 4121', running on macOS 12.0.1. ``` Error loading scope:source.js.css: Unable to find syntax file for scope "source.js.css"...

@Thom1729 , it's nothing just like @IvanIsakof ``` >>> sublime.find_syntax_by_scope('source.js.css') [] ```

OK, I provide the complete log messages from starts up, until open a javascript file. But i can't find that you want. ``` startup, version: 4121 osx x64 channel: stable...

Thanks for your reply. Yeah, it's work well when I enable the CSS package. But i don't know why disable it, it happened a long time ago.

Hey, I found the reason that why i disable the default CSS package. Because i use the [CSS3]( And the installation guide tell me disable it. > Thanks. > >...

pnpm 先使用 `pnpm i --shamefully-hoist` 安装吧,我感觉是pnpm的安装方式导致vite识别路径出现了问题,跟arco关系不大 @0x219

> > pnpm 先使用 `pnpm i --shamefully-hoist` 安装吧,我感觉是pnpm的安装方式导致vite识别路径出现了问题,跟arco关系不大 @0x219 > > 是路径识别有问题,但是和arco也有关系呀,至少antd没报错。提升依赖的话 pnpm也就没意义了,按道理库本身要做这些兼容处理的呀。。。 如果说这个兼容的处理优先级比较低,那么也建议在文档中说明一下,以免大家提同样的问题 嗯,确实文档里应该要说一下比较好,用不同工具遇到的Q&A也是文档的一部分作用