first, an Error of 'Failed to find S1A orbits for tref 2017-04-01 11:09:14' will occur, which is strange, maybe you can use ASF based on python requests and beautifulSoup instead,...
Inconsistency in the format of the parameter "-b/--bbox" between and, while string format in the former, list format in the latter, which can be optimized.
in /home/ym/OBBDetection/mmdet/ops/nms_rotated/ in Line40 应该添加: ori_inds = 否则会报设备不一致的错误
I an tring to build environments based on cuda11.8, however, during compilation, there is a cuda environment fault """ OBBDetection/mmdet/ops/nms/src/cuda/ fatal error: THC/THC.h: No such file or directory 6 |...
previous_3D = np.reshape(previous_3D,(batch,actor_num,args.future_length, 2)) draw_result(best_guess,previous_3D) draw_result(gt,previous_3D,mode='gt') return soft_max_1d = F.softmax(trans_input) Traceback (most recent call last): File "****", line 276, in **vis_result(test_loader, args)** **File "", line 120, in vis_result** **previous_3D =...