
Results 19 comments of binary64

Could we start with support for a --cwd type flag? ``` User@DESKTOP-QRQIHPO MINGW64 /c/p/monorepo/apps/blah (master) $ yarn esbuild-node-tsc --cwd . yarn run v1.22.10 $ C:\p\monorepo\node_modules\.bin\esbuild-node-tsc --cwd . Using default config...

This would be AWESOME! I beleive it would require an nx plugin for docusaurus, in order to inject into the webpack config to (presumably) load in `ts-loader`.

Hi using `0x` I was able to see that paljs is being called for ~50% of the delay I am seeing when starting my nodejs express app. So I am...

If I change my password to something that is incorrect, I see my first debug message: `[ERROR] Could not deploy files to 'blah': 'All configured authentication methods failed'`

Hi thanks for your reply. The only thing in the log is: ```text INFO extension.deploy.reloaded.loadplugins - [07/Mar/2018:18:01:22 +0000] "Loaded 19 plugins: - app - azureblob - batch - compiler -...

Thanks, I think it helped! But now I get a secondary issue, after running the exact same commands ``` node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:930 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'core-js/proposals/array-flat-and-flat-map' ```

All my other rules cannot be fixed, it blocks the whole eslint --fix system for me.

Are you sure? I just 3 minutes ago got it working It seems to be rendering just like Chrome, but on my chromecast jquery .ajax is working, at least and...

So after this work, I would like to update the request to: "Please can I launch an APPID from castnow" Something like `castnow appid://YouTube` would show a red background with...

The j7 has just one button indeed. When it's docked, and I hold the button.. * After 2 seconds, I get a happy chime and blue animated light * After...