Benson Margulies
Benson Margulies
Please push your plugin to maven central. It's pretty simple via If you send me an email to this effect, I can do it for you in a fork...
I should not get red marks for using: ``` blueprintBundle Provides bundle's Bundle object. blueprintBundleContext Provides bundle's BundleContext object. blueprintContainer Provides the BlueprintContainer object for the bundle. blueprintConverter Provides the...
In the below, the 'ref=component' is painted red, even though the setter has the appropriate type declaration. ``` ```
Currently, central has an old version, and has a newer version with a missing pom. Could you please use ossrh to publish the current version to central? If you're...
I could speed up some code if I could write: ``` @JsonCreator public MyClass(@JsonProperty("a") String a, @JsonAnySetter Map leftovers) {} ```
I tried to use the version of this from github (the distribute mojo) and I didn't get too far. It seems to read and write the same file: src/main/python/ I...