Logan Dam

Results 17 comments of Logan Dam

I resolved this by configuring git to use https instead of the git protocol so it could go through my company firewall/proxy. See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11383587/1492861 `git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/`

I could see this being useful in multiple areas, service bus and storage accounts for sure.

I believe this is fixed? Can I close this?

I'm experiencing this after the 1.31.1 update, before that it worked without issue. Restarting vscode doesn't solve it for me.

I am seeing the same issue on FreeNAS. ``` last pid: 53152; load averages: 3.80, 2.02, 0.99 up 20+18:12:34 11:33:24 5 processes: 1 running, 4 sleeping CPU: 25.0% user, 0.1%...

I think this is going to get more important with Maui arriving. You can set up a project with the CLI just fine, but you get absolutely no help from...

@blowsie I'm using the solution from here https://github.com/ncuillery/angular-breadcrumb/issues/42#issuecomment-58029308 to fix it. I don't know how or why it works, but it works. This is literally my run block: angular.module(moduleName) .run(['$breadcrumb',...

I get this too sometimes. The root cause seems to be environmental I think, because when we run our tests connected to the network at the office through VS test...

Tried it, still the same issue. ``` Test execution failed. SerializableException: Service creation timed out. at AxoCover.Models.TestProcess`1..ctor(IProcessInfo processInfo) in C:\projects\axotools\AxoCover\Models\TestProcess.cs:line 31 at AxoCover.Models.ExecutionProcess.Create(String[] testPlatformAssemblies, IHostProcessInfo hostProcess, TestPlatform testPlatform) in C:\projects\axotools\AxoCover\Models\ExecutionProcess.cs:line...