Bill Zissimopoulos

Results 336 comments of Bill Zissimopoulos

SSHFS-Win mounts its drives as "network" drives, which are not indexed by default on Windows. If you really want to have network drives indexed, search online and you should be...

It seems that different Windows versions handle Windows search on network drives differently. Unfortunately I do not have the time to fully research this at this moment, but I am...

Does `remoteuser` have write permissions on the served directories/files?

@dacowan can you run the command ``` > "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinFsp\bin\fsptool-x64.exe" perm FILE ``` where `FILE` is one of the files/directories that you cannot write?

I believe the command looks for a backslash (`\`) to determine that it should look for path permissions. Try it like this: ``` V:> "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinFsp\bin\fsptool-x64.exe" perm .\testfile.txt ```

Ok, it is not clear why, but permissions are only given to the LocalSystem account and not your user. Does the following (without the `domain+localuser` part) not work? By default...

SSHFS-Win includes a small wrapper program that is supposed to correctly determine the user who is mounting the file system and launch SSHFS so that permissions are properly granted to...

@tozachroberts are you on a domain as well? @dacowan thanks for the great troubleshooting. It is clear that the problem has something to do with the domain. Unfortunately it is...

Setting up a dev environment for SSHFS-Win is not particularly hard. You will need: - A Cygwin build environment (including gcc, autoconf, etc) - The [packages]( required by SSHFS. The...

Install “FUSE for Cygwin” by opening your Cygwin prompt, change to the `/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/WinFsp/opt/cygfuse` directory and issue an `sh ./` command.