Billy Zhao
Billy Zhao
The two files in the screenshot are generated with the code below: ```python print("Generating data quality report...") data_quality_report = Report(metrics=[ DataQualityPreset(), ]), current_data=df, column_mapping=data_column_mapping) data_quality_report.save_html( os.path.join(data_profile_dir, "data_quality.html") ) print("Data...
Been following the instruction at `` and somehow running the line ```python3 --output_dir whisper_large_v3 --use_gpt_attention_plugin --use_gemm_plugin --use_bert_attention_plugin --enable_context_fmha``` results in error: ```TypeError: DecoderModel.__init__() missing 7 required positional arguments: 'num_heads',...
### What happened? `abctl local install` hangs after following the guide here: The installation gets stuck here: ```console INFO Using Kubernetes provider: Provider: kind Kubeconfig: /home/ec2-user/.airbyte/abctl/abctl.kubeconfig Context: kind-airbyte-abctl SUCCESS...