Bill Denney

Results 181 issues of Bill Denney

## Feature requests I think a new function that moves the header row to become the first data row would be helpful. I sometimes receive data where I need to...

I often receive data that look like this: ``` r data.frame(X__1=NA, X__2=c(NA, NA, "Header 1", 1:3, NA), X__3=c(NA, NA, "Header 2", 4:6, NA), X__4=c("Notes that someone took in the excel...

We currently have `excel_numeric_to_date()` to assist with converting dates and datetimes to POSIXct objects. Can we create a similar function for `excel_numeric_to_time()` or perhaps more accurately `excel_time_to_numeric()`? Excel stores times...

I often receive data with columns that contain either identical or effectively identical columns. As an example, I may have a column indicating a human-readable medical laboratory test (like "Cholesterol,...

In the current version of `dplyr`, there is a new verb, `coalesce`, that combines columns and sets a default value if values are `NA`. I often have multiple sources for... In the above lines of code, the numFmt values, in most cases, specify dates without times. For example: * numFmtId 14: mm-dd-yy only has date components, and numFmtId 15...

datetime :calendar:
formats :nail_care:

This makes sessionInfo look better in markdown documents by changing the output to a nested unnumbered list. It provides a bit more information for packages installed from GitHub via devtools...

When working with the current version of R and rJava, there is a warning with `extract_table()` indicating: ``` WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access...

Please specify whether your issue is about: - [ ] a possible bug - [X] a question about package functionality - [ ] a suggested code or documentation change, improvement...

Please ensure the following before submitting a PR: - [x] if suggesting code changes or improvements, [open an issue]( first - [x] for all but trivial changes (e.g., typo fixes),...