Results 25 issues of bill-orange

I am using the Arduino 1.8.9 IDE on a ATTiny85 clone. I can compile properly. I can serial print to NotePad using keyboard.h. I can blink LEDs successfully. What I...

I have been using aREST with great success on several IOT projects. Recently, I ran across an application needing to load a very large JSON string (just under 50000 bytes)....

I would like to use aRest_UI to open and close my garage door. Easily done. I made the on button momentary by adding: if (digitalRead(relay) == HIGH){ digitalWrite(relay, LOW); }...

I am trying to run the change detection example. After much consternation I got it to compile in platformIO. My attemps to run it have not been successful. Here is...

Over the last couple of days I have observed that playlists don't work right in Kodi 18 (alpha). Jingai's thought was that a parameter in the playlist function was depreciated...

Was the I2C compatibility pull request incorporated in the library? If so, is there an example? I would like to use a U-Blox module with I2C. How would using I2C...

Using the latest updated Raspien release with my shiny new B+, I have run into a problem. After a random number of hours of operation, the PI B+ is not...

Wifi Issue

I am getting this error code randomly between good readings. If it starts generating errors they keep coming. I am clock stretching on an ESP32 with a generic Chinese CS811...

The latest version of the ESP8266 compiler used by the Arduno IDE breaks this library. The problem appears to be with the type `byte`.

Will this work in an ESP32?