Shakeel ali
Shakeel ali
check the package import import { Menu, MenuItem, MenuDivider } from 'react-native-material-menu';
> When changing the version to `3.10.2` i am getting this error > > `Error: Unable to resolve module ./fabric`
@mikehardy I am getting back this response in newAuthState and should I also update the documentation? ```javascript { tokenAdditionalParameters: { ext_expires_in: '5062' }, idToken: , authorizeAdditionalParameters: { session_state: '18b13646-f65b-4870-9694-bb6bdcbe94ac' },...
I tried it using **newAuthState.accessToken** and it didn't work, now I will use session_state, Isn't it with session state every time the user logs out and logs in again it...
@mikehardy I also tried with session_state and still same error.
Hello , can you please tell me how to disable these btns
can you give detail explanation on how to use
lol they didnot provide any example or documentation this package is useless