Victor Perez Montel
Victor Perez Montel
### Summary This [page]( seems that are loading this library: `const { parseMultipartData, sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');` It is correct? or its better to use the newest **"@strapi/utils"** If we...
## Cannot read property 'push' of undefined ### Required System information - Node.js version: 15.8.0 - NPM version: 7.5.1 - Strapi version: 4.3.4 - Database: postgres - Operating system: Windows...
Please mention that this package is **only** compatible with node version 8. Because it uses async/wait functions.
How can I configure in the init.vim? I configured like that ant it works: init.vim: ``` call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Plug 'Mofiqul/vscode.nvim' call plug#end() colorscheme vscode ``` But, I dont know how...