Big XiXi

Results 3 issues of Big XiXi

write a function 'savePNG()' to replace the 'saveFrameToPng()' function, now export pngs through renderQ and get rid of the black borders in pngs with transparency. issue detail:

I want to make some custom modify to the object, and I see the 'userDefined' on the readme, is there any detailed documentations about it? I can't find any on...

- 建议: 1、可以适配一下移动端,方便在车里直接把u盘插手机后预览; 2、我看代码里用到了ffmpeg,是否可以增加导出带时间水印的视频功能,类似其他监控录像。杭州交通违法举报目前拒绝采纳特斯拉车载记录仪的录像作为证据(手机拍屏幕带上时间信息也不行),用视频制作软件添加也很麻烦。 感谢!