Is it possible to use a bloom filter or a bloom file instead of the text file? It would at least increase the speed because you wouldn't have to load...
Waring: Server does not support -ws, ignoring Kangaroo server is ready and listening to TCP port 17403 ... What's going on, the server no longer doesn't work anymore?
Will BSGS will be added to Keyhuny-Cuda?
Will there be a mode for minikeys for KeyHunt-Cuda?
So there is no way to save checkpoints if its random search? The bat file is created but it doesn't save if its on random search but if you search...
@phrutis Could you create a mode in Fialka or in Rotor-Cuda where you can generate keys from the hash160 sort of like how you do with the minikeys. You can...
I notice it crashes when I run it in address mode for a long period of time. When I run it in xpoint mode for a long time it doesn't...
What is the cmd line to compile to .exe because I'm getting errors for both windows and ubuntu.
Is it possible to use a bloom filter or a bloom file instead of the text file? It would at least increase the speed because you wouldn't have to load...
I tried The Big Bloom Filter with 100 million hash160 addresses and still getting false collisions. I am using the -c ucx option. What causes false collisions?