Joiey Seeley

Results 9 issues of Joiey Seeley

After installing the ammeter gem I get this error when trying to run any specs. ``` /Users/bigtunacan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547@rails3/gems/rspec-rails-3.3.2/lib/rspec/rails/example/rails_example_group.rb:14:in `': uninitialized constant RSpec::Rails::FixtureSupport (NameError) ```

@leafo It's great that you have created and maintained this as it is something the Lua community sorely needed. I'm sure you are familiar with the site as this...

To reproduce just generate a new project using `vue init webpack my-project` and choose Jest as the test suite. Then run `npm run unit` and it will fail with error...

Once I get through setting up a project and try to run in on my Geny emu the default app crashes on startup with the following output. It looks like...

I generated a PDF that was about 5 pages long and each page had a larger and larger area at the bottom of the page where it is just white...

I was thinking it would be a cool feature if there was a request section where people could say "I would like to see a screen cast on X" probably...

Some basic built in search functionality would be nice. Instead of trying to page through the list of past streams it would be great if I could search for say...

I've uploaded a basic example to github The gist of it though is I have created an Ashton::Texture with width/height matching my Gosu::Window. When I draw directly to the...

Taking the code for a run so I can put it in a pull request, but I'm a bit of a Node noob. I have tried creating an npm link...