Yichuan LI
Yichuan LI
Do you just implement this algorithm with the help of openMP? Have you ever make some change in the process of bhtsne?
Hi there, Thanks for the brilliant work. I have followed the setup instructions in [wiki](https://github.com/dice-group/gerbil/wiki/How-to-setup-GERBIL) to install local GERBIL. However, when I run the "./start.sh" and click "add another annotator"....
Hi there, When I test the command like: ``` scrapy crawl fb -a email="" -a password="" \ -a page=https://mbasic.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10165072531765725&id=153080620724 \ -a lang=en -o Trump.csv ``` I get error like: ```...
Hello Steffen: Nice work! I have a question about how you generate the embedding feature_vectors. I found you only read from xx.pickle. Would you like to share us how you...
Hi there, Thanks for your work in providing these datasets. Did you guys regularly update the dataset? And could you provide the source of the rumors?
Hi Tianduo, I really appreciated your work in developing the learnable data augmentation for sentence representation learning. Your proposed method DiffAug has shown really good performance in semi-supervised and supervised...