In XCode 14.1 I downloaded/imported the Open3D-iOS package locally and removed .a from those package names. But now I'm getting the following errors. It seems that they are python related...
It seems that [0.0.20221129003814]( has missing assets files: failed downloading '' which is required by binary target 'libOpen3D_3rdparty_qhull_r.a': badResponseStatusCode(404) failed downloading '' which is required by binary target 'libOpen3D_3rdparty_liblzf.a': badResponseStatusCode(404)...
> same error, after force update pytorch version, I succeed > > > pip3 install --pre --force-reinstall torch --index-url > > 非常感谢!在M1 MBP 32GB上按上面命令装了nightly后用把.float()改成.half().to('mps')后快了很多基本能用了!