Results 322 comments of Edwin Biemond

That looks fine. what is the error you get? can you post the 'puppet agent --test --trace' output and maybe with --debug when it is not too big. Thanks

Still so strange. this is not necessary. but if you can make a vagrant box then I will take a look at it. by the way you can use orautils...

I don't need your AD, only your used site.pp / hiera config of my modules, if necessary I can use my own test AD. can you add the configuration to...

Hi, you can go the weblogic console and change it over there and probably update in puppet wls_setting for the new password or disable puppet. or you can do it...

is this a license thing because on domain level you can already de-select it.

I hope you are talking about 12c I am now doing this, and use WebLogic Server what is the correct value for this

really, that is out of support for a while see I don't what is the default because I don't specify it.

yeah, I did this in the old wls module( not in orawls) but that one is more for 1 time provisioning With OSB 12.1.3 it will also install OWSM, for...

yeah I think you only need to make a switch in the osb template and add JRF plus EM after that add the OWSM template. ``` print 'Adding JRF Template'...

Yeah I also got it in comment, but you can surround it with a try except