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Restart Admin Server for AD authenticator

Open joewimmer opened this issue 9 years ago • 13 comments

So the active directory authenticator is present only after I restart the admin server.... I've seen how you restart the admin server in the heira config but not with a defined resource. Am I missing a meta-parameter?

  wls_authentication_provider { 'ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator' :
    ensure            => 'present',
    control_flag      => 'SUFFICIENT',
    providerclassname => '',
    attributes        => 'Credential;GroupBaseDN;GroupFromNameFilter;GroupMembershipSearching;Host;MaxGroupMembershipSearchLevel;Principal;UserBaseDN;UserFromNameFilter;UserNameAttribute;Port',
    attributesvalues  => 'Issw1234;DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org;(&(sAMAccountName=%g)(objectclass=group));limited;;0;CN=SER_WASadmin,OU=Service Accounts,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org;DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org;(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user));sAMAccountName;389',
    order             => '0',


joewimmer avatar Apr 08 '15 03:04 joewimmer


There is no attribute for this but you can use the wls_adminserver type and subscribe to the ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator type. When something changes on this AD resource it will restart the adminserver.

Hope this helps

biemond avatar Apr 08 '15 07:04 biemond

Here is what I have, Still can't seem to get the admin server to restart. I have tried a subscribe and notify. No luck..

orawls::control { 'start_admin_server':
    middleware_home_dir => $middleware_home_dir,
    weblogic_home_dir   => $weblogic_home_dir,
    jdk_home_dir        => $java_home_dir,
    wls_domains_dir     => $domains_dir,
    domain_name         => $domain_name,
    server_type         => 'admin',
    target              => 'Server',
    server              => 'AdminServer',
    adminserver_address => $admin_server_address,
    adminserver_port    => $admin_server_port,
    nodemanager_port    => $nodemanager_port,
    action              => 'start',
    weblogic_user       => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_password   => $wls_user_password,
    jsse_enabled        => false,
    custom_trust        => false,
    os_user             => $wls_os_user,
    os_group            => $wls_os_group,
    download_dir        => $download_dir,
    log_output          => false,

wls_authentication_provider { 'ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator' :
    ensure            => 'present',
    control_flag      => 'SUFFICIENT',
    providerclassname => '',
    attributes        => 'Credential;GroupBaseDN;GroupFromNameFilter;GroupMembershipSearching;Host;MaxGroupMembershipSearchLevel;Principal;UserBaseDN;UserFromNameFilter;UserNameAttribute;Port',
    attributesvalues  => 'mapped values',
    order             => '0',
    notify            => Wls_adminserver['start_admin_server:AdminServer']


Any ideas?

joewimmer avatar Apr 08 '15 18:04 joewimmer


You should the use the wls_adminserver type directly like I did here

With the matching site.pp, which read the hiera definitions

Control is just a manifest and no puppet type.

biemond avatar Apr 08 '15 19:04 biemond

Like this?

  $domain_dir = "${domains_dir}/${domain_name}"

  wls_adminserver{ 'AdminServer' :
    ensure                    => 'running',   #running|start|abort|stop
    server_name               => 'AdminServer',
    domain_name               => $domain_name,
    domain_path               => $domain_dir,
    os_user                   => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_home_dir         => $weblogic_home_dir,
    weblogic_user             => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_password         => $wls_user_password,
    jdk_home_dir              => $java_home_dir,
    nodemanager_address       => $adminserver_address,
    nodemanager_port          => $nodemanager_port,
    subscribe                 => Wls_authentication_provider['ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator'],

Also with:

wls_authentication_provider { 'ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator' :
    ensure            => 'present',
    control_flag      => 'SUFFICIENT',
    providerclassname => '',
    attributes        => 'Credential;GroupBaseDN;GroupFromNameFilter;GroupMembershipSearching;Host;MaxGroupMembershipSearchLevel;Principal;UserBaseDN;UserFromNameFilter;UserNameAttribute;Port',
    attributesvalues  => 'mapped values',
    order             => '0',


PS: I am using orawls v1.0.21 btw

joewimmer avatar Apr 08 '15 19:04 joewimmer

yeah indeed,

only missing refreshonly => true parameter so it will only restart it when there is a change

biemond avatar Apr 08 '15 19:04 biemond

Using the Orawls::control works but only after i manually restart the server. When I use wls_adminserver it fails completely. I feel like its an ordering issue ?

joewimmer avatar Apr 08 '15 21:04 joewimmer

You need to have 2 entries , one after the domain creation to start up the adminserver ( without subscribe ) And the subscribe ,refresh only one after the wls authentication provider.

You cannot reuse the first one.

biemond avatar Apr 09 '15 05:04 biemond

So here is my entire code base for the admin server. This inherits code from a node manager class. There is some ordering down at the bottom. Not sure if that would conflict or not. Really grasping at straws here now...

Really appreciate the help so far.

class profile::weblogic_adminserver {

  # Include the managed node profile (version-specific) so we can get access to the variables defined there
  include "profile::weblogic_${::company_wl_version}"
  $profile_prefix = "profile::weblogic_${::company_wl_version}"

  # Variables (we get them from the managed node profile so we don't duplicate typing them)
  $domain_name          = getvar("${profile_prefix}::domain_name")
  $wls_os_user          = getvar("${profile_prefix}::wls_os_user")
  $wls_user_password    = getvar("${profile_prefix}::wls_user_password")
  $wls_os_group         = getvar("${profile_prefix}::wls_os_group")
  $java_home_dir        = getvar("${profile_prefix}::java_home_dir")
  $middleware_home_dir  = getvar("${profile_prefix}::middleware_home_dir")
  $weblogic_home_dir    = getvar("${profile_prefix}::weblogic_home_dir")
  $domains_dir          = getvar("${profile_prefix}::domains_dir")
  $download_dir         = getvar("${profile_prefix}::download_dir")
  $nodemanager_port     = getvar("${profile_prefix}::nodemanager_port")
  $admin_server_address = getvar("${profile_prefix}::admin_server_address")
  $admin_server_port    = getvar("${profile_prefix}::admin_server_port")

$domain_dir = "${domains_dir}/${domain_name}"

  orawls::control { 'start_admin_server':
    middleware_home_dir => $middleware_home_dir,
    weblogic_home_dir   => $weblogic_home_dir,
    jdk_home_dir        => $java_home_dir,
    wls_domains_dir     => $domains_dir,
    domain_name         => $domain_name,
    server_type         => 'admin',
    target              => 'Server',
    server              => 'AdminServer',
    adminserver_address => $admin_server_address,
    adminserver_port    => $admin_server_port,
    nodemanager_port    => $nodemanager_port,
    action              => 'start',
    weblogic_user       => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_password   => $wls_user_password,
    jsse_enabled        => false,
    custom_trust        => false,
    os_user             => $wls_os_user,
    os_group            => $wls_os_group,
    download_dir        => $download_dir,
    log_output          => false,

  wls_setting { 'default':
    user              => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_home_dir => $weblogic_home_dir,
    connect_url       => "t3://${admin_server_address}:${$admin_server_port}",
    weblogic_user     => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_password => $wls_user_password,

  orawls::storeuserconfig { 'storeuserconfig':
    domain_name         => $domain_name,
    weblogic_home_dir   => $weblogic_home_dir,
    jdk_home_dir        => $java_home_dir,
    adminserver_address => $admin_server_address,
    adminserver_port    => $admin_server_port,
    user_config_dir     => undef,
    weblogic_user       => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_password   => $wls_user_password,
    os_user             => $wls_os_user,
    os_group            => $wls_os_group,
    download_dir        => $download_dir,
    log_output          => false,

  wls_user { 'weblogic':
    ensure                 => 'present',
    authenticationprovider => 'DefaultAuthenticator',
    description            => 'weblogic user',
    password               => 'weblogic1',
    realm                  => 'myrealm',

  wls_user { 'ser_dvapp':
    ensure                 => 'present',
    authenticationprovider => 'DefaultAuthenticator',
    description            => 'weblogic user',
    password               => $wls_user_password,
    realm                  => 'myrealm',

  wls_group { 'Administrators':
    ensure                 => 'present',
    authenticationprovider => 'DefaultAuthenticator',
    description            => 'SuperUsers',
    realm                  => 'myrealm',
    users                  => ['weblogic', 'ser_dvapp'],

wls_authentication_provider { 'ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator' :
    ensure            => 'present',
    control_flag      => 'SUFFICIENT',
    providerclassname => '',
    attributes        => 'Credential;GroupBaseDN;GroupFromNameFilter;GroupMembershipSearching;Host;MaxGroupMembershipSearchLevel;Principal;UserBaseDN;UserFromNameFilter;UserNameAttribute;Port',
    attributesvalues  => 'Issw1234;DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org;(&(sAMAccountName=%g)(objectclass=group));limited;;0;CN=SER_WASadmin,OU=Service Accounts,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org;DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org;(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user));sAMAccountName;389',
    order             => '0',


wls_adminserver{ 'AdminServer' :
    ensure                    => 'running',   #running|start|abort|stop
    server_name               => 'AdminServer',
    domain_name               => $domain_name,
    domain_path               => $domain_dir,
    os_user                   => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_home_dir         => $weblogic_home_dir,
    weblogic_user             => $wls_os_user,
    weblogic_password         => $wls_user_password,
    jdk_home_dir              => $java_home_dir,
    nodemanager_address       => $adminserver_address,
    nodemanager_port          => $nodemanager_port,
    refreshonly               => true,
    subscribe                 => Wls_authentication_provider['ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator'],

  ## Ordering Below!

  # NOTE: Revisit this, might have been too overzealous
  Class['orawls::weblogic'] -> Orawls::Domain<| |> -> Wls_setting<| |> -> Orawls::Nodemanager<| |> -> Orautils::Nodemanagerautostart<| |> -> Orawls::Control<| |>
  Orawls::Control<| |> -> Orawls::Storeuserconfig<| |> -> Wls_User<| |> -> Wls_Group<| |> -> Wls_authentication_provider<| |>

joewimmer avatar Apr 09 '15 15:04 joewimmer

That looks fine.

what is the error you get? can you post the 'puppet agent --test --trace' output and maybe with --debug when it is not too big.


biemond avatar Apr 10 '15 05:04 biemond

So I got it to work. Its hacky but it works. I found that restarting just the admin server wasn't really what I needed to do. My test for success what when I would go to: Home >Summary of Security Realms >myrealm >Users and Groups There would be a list of active directory users listed. This whole time I was presented with a message in that section saying I needed to restart the server to apply the changes. In the begining the only way I knew to do this was either: -from the console, shutdown the admin server then restart it using puppet. (wasn't sure how to do it via cmd line at the time) OR -kill the process and restart weblogic.

I found scripts in the domain directory to start and stop weblogic. not just the admin server. Apparenly there is a difference...(not sure, im not a weblogic guru obviously)

So I created a service at the end that refreshed weblogic:

service { 'weblogic':
    enable      => true,
    ensure      => running,
    provider    => base,
    stop        => "/projects/${domain_name}/bin/",
    start       => "/projects/${domain_name}/bin/ &",
    restart     => "/projects/${domain_name}/bin/ ; /projects/${domain_name}/bin/ &",
    subscribe   => Wls_authentication_provider['ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator'],


This works on the first run but not the second, but I can fix that. Unless you have a suggestion on how to make this better, you can probably close the issue now.

Again, Thanks for your help on this. Much appreciated

joewimmer avatar Apr 17 '15 16:04 joewimmer

Still so strange. this is not necessary. but if you can make a vagrant box then I will take a look at it.

by the way you can use orautils and it will generate in /opt/scripts/wls some handy scripts.

biemond avatar Apr 18 '15 15:04 biemond

I would if I could. Company policy won't let me and you wouldn't be able to connect to AD to test anyway. (well, you shouldn't be able to..)

Are you the one laying down those scripts or is that oracle?

joewimmer avatar Apr 20 '15 13:04 joewimmer

I don't need your AD, only your used site.pp / hiera config of my modules, if necessary I can use my own test AD. can you add the configuration to some dropbox folder and change all domain names, password etc.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 3:28 PM, joewimmer [email protected] wrote:

I would if I could. Company policy won't let me and you wouldn't be able to connect to AD to test anyway. (well, you shouldn't be able to..)

Are you the one laying down those scripts or is that oracle?

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Thanks Edwin

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biemond avatar Apr 20 '15 14:04 biemond