Results 11 comments of bidi47

@arhimede the dot-mail readme has details about sendmail and smtp setup should that chapter be included in the frontend readme or should i add a reference in the 'Configuration -...

@arhimede let's see what to do about the debugging we haven't reached a decision on it

@arhimede is this still a issue? if not, we can close the ticket

@arhimede, the article draft is here for review we should discuss in the next meeting what attributes we want to use in our projects

just saw this should i undo the upgrade to "ramsey/uuid-doctrine": "^2.0.0" in

resolved in

when you run `composer install` it asks Please select which config file you wish to inject 'Laminas\Validator\ConfigProvider' into: [0] Do not inject [1] config/config.php Make your selection (default is 1):...

the injection issue is discussed in threads like these it looks like the default is likely to remain 1 which injects the ConfigProviders