I have a habit of placing software under /opt. I configure xca with --prefix=/opt/xca-20210604, built then installed it. Now none of the extended oid's are listed. Running strace against it,...
Not that it matters since this appears to be completely dead, but OpenDKIM cannot be built with anything greater than lua 5.2.
Managed to get all the way through to the link stage and it bombs with ``` [ 1%] Linking CXX executable qt-dab-5.0 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: /tmp/ccIRgrnc.ltrans4.ltrans.o: in function `RadioInterface::handle_portSelector()': :(.text+0x5e84): undefined reference...
spatial_data.adb does compile on 10.2.0, but not on 11.3.0. It barfs with: ``` [Ada] spatial_data.adb /tmp/ccHCc73u.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/ccHCc73u.s:14356: Error: bad immediate value for offset (4096) ``` This is on...
Near perfect, but... Making a query such as "SHOW TABLES" fails, but there is a C API call which is not implemented, mysql_list_tables(). We can seem to list columns just...
The ONLY files TIREX_BACKEND_MAP_CONFIGS is referenced in are: /home/src/build/tirex/lib/Tirex/ /home/src/build/tirex/test/ /home/src/build/tirex/backend-mapnik/ /home/src/build/tirex/backend-mapnik/test/ And the grep results: /home/src/build/tirex/lib/Tirex/ my $mapfiles = $ENV{'TIREX_BACKEND_MAP_CONFIGS'} or $self->error_disable('missing TIREX_BACKEND_MAP_CONFIGS'); /home/src/build/tirex/test/ TIREX_BACKEND_MAP_CONFIGS="etc/renderer/test/checkerboard.conf.dist" /home/src/build/tirex/bin/tirex-backend-manager: $ENV{'TIREX_BACKEND_MAP_CONFIGS'} = join('...
I have no wish for code pulled from any git to be installed within the standard file system structures. I always make sure these things are installed under /opt and...
Tirex has been installed and fails to start properly. As can be seen below, it is trying to start the mapnik backend with no indication of why it is failing....
Seems once installed, Tirex wants to run a number of backends. As far as I can see, only one is required. Having the others just confuses things. It does not...