Dirk Jäckel

Results 24 issues of Dirk Jäckel

## Description WalletConnect connections ("Connect to Web" on Mobile) are not removed after more than 24h of inactivity ## Environment - Browser: Chrome - Wallet: Gnosis Safe Mobile - Chain:...

Bug 🐛

Current entry: ![image.png](https://images.zenhubusercontent.com/5e97a1c48301b54c5cd938c1/d46d2040-70f5-4b87-85c7-ca5b58dfb34a ) AFAICT we need the following: - Change the app name `Gnosis Safe Multisig` -> `Safe` - new Logo (green) - Revise the description and remove Gnosis...


We will need to submit an update to the Android app for release on Sep. 6 Make sure the app can be released and has the new logo (due on...


Handles # Changes proposed in this pull request: - Fonts - Colors - other styles? @gnosis/mobile-devs


- [ ] Change font to dm sans - [ ] Update colors Colors defined at: https://www.figma.com/file/rqIpWH6iJabWWTaMatlGqA/Android-UI-Kit-%E2%80%94-Rebrand?node-id=490%3A2039

ATM the QRScanner is in its own module. We would like to migrate it to app so that we can use the apps error messages. When I tried to remove...

``` Caused by: java.lang.Exception: No native library is found for os.name=Mac and os.arch=aarch64. path=/org/sqlite/native/Mac/aarch64 at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.loadSQLiteNativeLibrary(SQLiteJDBCLoader.java:333) at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.initialize(SQLiteJDBCLoader.java:64) at androidx.room.verifier.DatabaseVerifier.(DatabaseVerifier.kt:68) ... 47 more ``` Using room 2.4.0-alpha03 is supposed to...

The following link contains changes in Android 12 that affect all apps running on Android 12 not only those targeting Android 12 (via targetSdkVersion) https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12/behavior-changes-all We should take the time...

As soon as the WebInterface allows to upgrade the implmentation to version 1.2.0 we want to ask the user with a lower version to upgrade. - [ ] Safe Settings...


Figma | app/light | app/dark ------|----- | ----- ![image.png](https://images.zenhubusercontent.com/5e97a1c48301b54c5cd938c1/f69a8003-93ac-4de1-8673-0b8d1c2bbdf3) | ![image.png](https://images.zenhubusercontent.com/5e97a1c48301b54c5cd938c1/c143c393-0891-4da8-90b6-ead298712809) | ![image.png](https://images.zenhubusercontent.com/5e97a1c48301b54c5cd938c1/4273c3cd-ccb1-489c-b096-94e973beb70a) **Figma Link** https://www.figma.com/file/xxCMH9tgwOpaQZ4Fzhjnf2/Android-Master-File?node-id=121-35729&t=zFja4kon6ZfyRszV-0

UX/UI only