Bhushan Gaikwad

Results 9 issues of Bhushan Gaikwad

![Screenshot 2021-08-21 at 1 45 48 PM]( Markdown supports Emojis, HTML Supports Emojis but In generated PDF, Emojis are shown incorrectly. @themsaid Please have a look when you have time.

good first issue

We need to use logo, Which satisfies these terms

help wanted
medium priority

## WhichKey: checking conflicting keymaps - WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **"g"** - INFO: rhs: `lua require("Comment.api").call("uncomment_linewise_op")g@` - WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **"gc"**...

I have emailverified, firstcontribution and so on badges. now i want to show modal like thing to notify users whenever they earned any badge.. `

- login and registration routes should not need token - once we login or register we should get token in response specific to that user.. - then this token should...


It causes deploy problems and calling `/api/uploads` endpoint. because of this env is used, actual uri it tries to hit is `undefined/api/uploads`.

as the title suggests, I am hoping to have support for php as well. I am sure this would many users want as feature. I will try to raise PR...

It Will be a huge task as - Check the Spatie DTO package if it adds value, we will use it, otherwise, go for a simple standard PHP object -...

help wanted