So, to follow up (and for anyone else reading this), I realize it doesn't actually matter. Any historical data I may want is sitting in Prometheus, so I just blew...
I didn't want to change log level for just that reason but apparently being at an end here, I did. I think that I may have caused this on my...
So I have been poking on this for the last couple of days and I am able to reliably reproduce the stale. I'm not sure what the condition is that...
I am self-pooling and also seeing lots of these. FWIW, the nodes that I am connected to that are reporting rate limiting are full nodes, not light wallets. get_connections shows...
Editing in console output for clarity
Here you can see the RPC query and exporter data don't align: `$ chia rpc wallet get_wallet_balance '{"wallet_id":2}'` `{ "success": true, "wallet_balance": { "confirmed_wallet_balance": 1750000000000, "fingerprint": 1206818994, "max_send_amount": 0, "pending_change":...
This gets more interesting. Now there is more balance in the Pool Wallet (added current time for alignment with the Grafana output): ``` $ date Thu Jul 20 11:12:23 AM...