Ben Brinckerhoff

Results 15 issues of Ben Brinckerhoff

First off, thanks so much for your work on Ambly. It's really great! I have followed the instructions [here]( and I noticed that something about the implementation of `AppDelegate.m` prevents...

See [ADR](

Repro: ```clojure (require '[expound.alpha :as expound]) (require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]) (set! s/*explain-out* expound/printer) (defn hello "hello world") ``` Actual: ``` -- Syntax error ------------------- (hello "hello world") should have additional...


When a keys spec fails, there is no need to print out the values, and doing so means that a huge map will be printed.


I'm using `lein-figwheel "0.5.10"` and `figwheel-sidecar "0.5.10"`. Repro: 1. In `project.clj`, add the following (admittedly nonidiomatic) build config under `:cljsbuild` ```clojure {:id "test" :source-paths ["src" "test"] :compiler {:output-to "target/test.js" :output-dir...

Repro: In Firefox, with Gleebox installed, go to a page that serves XML Expected: The page should display the XML in a way that can be easily read, similar to...


I am on Firefox 3.6 on OSX 10.6.2. Recently, I have noticed that if I hit 'g' my mouse cursor disappears, but the search box does not appear. I have...
