Bhaskar Banerjee
Bhaskar Banerjee
Has any memory profiling been done for this lambda layer? Any recco with Node v12, v16, v18 or v20? How much is the memory overhead for using this layer?
Has anyone here used `protobuf/http` **exporter** and compared the performance with that of `grpc` **exporter**? Both for Lambda cold start time and response time? Ref `import { OTLPTraceExporter }...
Seeking help @mx2323 @ghenkhaus @sfc-gh-dszmolka @sfc-gh-jfan and others Tried out this sample code from but because my data set size is between 6-7MB, it is failing with message `Request...
Thanks @sfc-gh-dszmolka let me try that but if it is a server side problem, then why does v1.6.*-1.8.0 work as a charm for large data set of 6-7 MB. EXACT...
Verified. We have 2 VPCs listed there and both are set to type= 'STAGE'. @sfc-gh-dszmolka
Ran snowcd tool and `msg="Check clear. No error presented."` for both the VPCs listed there
@mhausenblas @vasireddy99 Please refer to [this]( documentation. It says `AWS's managed OpenTelemetry Lambda Layer utilizes OpenTelemetry Lambda Layer to export telemetry data asynchronously from AWS Lambda.` As far as I...
When is this PR expected to be approved and merged?
@pichlermarc is this behavior consistent across python,java, go etc?
@pichlermarc would it be possible to have some answers on the above question? I am trying to understand if this by design for all nodejs layer.sdk or all other languages...