Hi, Sorry about that. I am still working on the styles for those classes. I've added it to the HTML as a reminder to myself that I need to implement...
Thanks for pointing this out. Not sure how I missed this. I should have used `` to get the changeset source data instead of using `variant.model`. Just rolled out a...
Yes, your solution is correct. I have used the following code in my config/dev.secrets.exs file. ``` config :sentry, use_error_logger: false, environment_name: :dev, dsn: System.get_env("SENTRY_DSN"), included_environments: ~w(prod)a, tags: %{ env: "development"...
These links are really helpful. Thanks for sharing!
I think submitting an extension to the Windows store is currently restricted. > Submitting a Microsoft Edge extension to the Windows Store is currently a restricted capability. Reach out to...
There is a slight difference between the the API that Chrome provides and the WebExtensions API. If you already have a working Chrome extension, you can refer to the `src/utils/ext.js`...
Hi @superKalo, Glad that you find this project useful. To be honest, I am not quite sure about it myself. The codebase for my original extensions (from which I extracted...