Bhanu Agarwal
Bhanu Agarwal
I tried running it with Puppeteer but didn't worked. @christian-bromann any working example or something to get over it ?
@christian-bromann I wrote: blockNetworkCall: async (requestUrl: string[]): Promise => { const wildcardMatch = require('wildcard-match'); const blockRequest = wildcardMatch([requestUrl], { separator: false }); const puppeteer = await browser.getPuppeteer(); const pages =...
Team any resolution on this ??
Hey @christian-bromann I am not getting seleniumCdp option at all  Packages: 
I guess hotstar channels will work only with Jio network.
@arpitgoyal43 increase the reporterSyncTimeout to 30000 default was 5000. In addition increase videoRenderTimeout to around 80 sec
I am facing same issue. Any resolution you got @YoofiBP ?
Got your point. If someone using then we might not have or get 114 version in repo. Ya pointing to stable-1 or 2 sounds good. But question here is...
okk then, will go with approach of stable-1
If I am sure, cross-origin Iframes are not straight forward to automate. Hope you're not looking for cross-origin frames