Results 7 comments of Brahim HAMADICHAREF

Just to note that the package scrpage2 obsolete ... so few template are actually compiling now in 2021. Usefull still !

My apologies ... when I try with a smaller number of trees for XGB it is fine so it is most probably some memory issues, my laptop has only 32MB...

I have servers with more memory up to 1TB RAM (Dell R815) so will try to test further. Very novice in Python, I do not know how to debug code,...

It is working well now, thank you very much. For n_estimators=1000, the resulting c-code is 13.4 MB. I have coded some MATLAB script to make the c-code into MATLAB. I...

Problem with so many braces, is that for example when I try to compile the c-code into Qt, the editor complain about a maximum level of 256 braces ! I...

Seems that it gets fixed by Value := std_logic_vector(resize(signed(slv), Value'length));

LlamaCppEmbeddings and HuggingFaceEmbeddings are depreciated now ... any updated example ?