Barry Haddow
Barry Haddow
## 🐛 Bug Inference in the IWSLT23 Simultaneous ST baseline example fails. ### To Reproduce Following 1. Download the en-de model 2. Run simuleval, as specified in the documentation...
Installation fails on Python 3.10 fails because the specified version of OpusFilter (2.6.0) requires fast-mosestokenizer, and there is no version for 3.10. I do not know if a later version...
Running `opuscleaner-clean` (using python 3.8.18) immediately fails ``` (opuscleaner) [lofn]bhaddow: opuscleaner-clean data/train-parts/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/shared/bhaddow/anaconda3/envs/opuscleaner/bin/opuscleaner-clean", line 5, in from opuscleaner.clean import main File "/mnt/startiger0/saga/raid0/bhaddow/code/OpusCleaner/opuscleaner/", line 25,...
Sometimes when I am viewing changes, the GUI shows that the whole file has changed. I think this happens with the fix-quotes filter (but may happen with others). It shows...
I am trying to understand the intended workflow for OpusCleaner. Suppose I want to build some MT systems. I fire up OpusCleaner, download some data, apply cleaning rules until I...
If you set `DATA_PATH` to something other than the default, then you can download data successfully, but it does not show up on the data listing page. This is because...
How to reproduce: Install the requirements-all.txt Load a corpus, and navigate to filters Attempt to add the "detokenizer" rule. The following error is produced: ``` Usage: sacremoses [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]......
Often adding a filter fails, because there are no default arguments passed to the filter function. For example many functions require source and target language and this could be set...