Boris Gubanov
Boris Gubanov
Hello, please try using android:layout_gravity instead of android:gravity
Have you overrided android:gravity attribute of parent layout? If yes, try to delete it. I tried your case with your params on default layout and it worked
Hello! Are you initializing the Aimybox object from the Application instance, like in the example? Can you send code snippet with the second activity? I added second activity to example...
Hello, sorry for late answer. An old version of components library uses an old version of core library, so the error occures. Our components library was moved to aimybox-sdk, so...
Hello. We will investigate this issue in a short time. Thank you
Добрый день. Просьба прислать код инициализации объекта типа Aimybox и ваши изменения в этом классе.
Hello, please describe the format of data you receive and the way you handle this data
Дело в том, что YandexSpeechToText, как и любой STT компонент, наследуется от абстрактного класса SpeechToText, для работы которого необходимо инициализировать eventChannel (свойство типа SendChannel, которое необходимо, для передачи пользователю Aimybox...
Hello. Can you provide version of Android? I suppose, exception is thrown when you try to activate speech recognizing? Please describe the issue in more detail