Brian Groenke
Brian Groenke
It would be nice to have a Julia-native implementation of the (relatively) new PCMCI [1] algorithm for causal inference in time series proposed by @jakobrunge and his team. The algorithm...
It appears that there is a bug where the `chunk_size` parameter is not respected by `ForwardDiffSensitivity`. Simple MWE (ignore the `ComponentArray` stuff, not important for this issue): ```julia p =...
MWE: ```julia using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqCallbacks, Sundials using ComponentArrays, LinearAlgebra const nknots = 10 const h = 1.0/(nknots+1) x = range(0, step=h, length=nknots) u0 = sin.(π*x) @inline function f(du,u,p,t) du .=...
Hi, I've been working on a pull request to add a 'pause' and 'resume' feature to the message bus. Here are the methods from the new interface 'PubSubPauseSupport' with Javadoc...
At the moment, it's fairly difficult to implement custom `NLSolver`s because the `NLSolver` type and `AbstractNLSolver` interface are not, as far as I have found, well documented (see the type...
`nonlinear_diffusion!` appears to be quite slow and unexpectedly allocates. MWE (including simple reference implementation): ```julia using BenchmarkTools using DiffEqOperators const nknots = 100 # grid edges x = LinRange(0.0,10.0,nknots+1) |>...
I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but it appears that the existing `DEDataArray` factorization overloads cause type ambiguity errors for stiff solvers, e.g: ``` LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(F::Factorization, B::DEDataArray) =...
Loss and `sciml_train` call (other stuff omitted for now): ``` function loss(p) u0_new = copyto!(similar(u0, eltype(p)), u0) prob = CryoGridProblem(model, u0_new, tspan, p, savevars=(:T,)) sol = solve(prob, Euler(), dt=10*60.0) return...
Consider the following simple example: ``` const A = randn(100); aa = AxisArray(A;x=SortedVector([i for i in 1:100])); function axisarrays_alloc(array,xs) @view array[xs]; nothing; end xs = 2:10; @benchmark axisarrays_alloc(aa,xs) ``` results...
I noticed that lazy computations on my `FileTree` were really, really slow (and always slower than sequential evaluation), so I did a quick test: ```julia using Distributed addprocs(exeflags=["--sysimage", "--threads=1",...