Ben Gold
Ben Gold
Just a note, if you get rid of the `map pure` you can actually just have A and B as patterns, and Haskell should usually figure out the correct type....
Would the varargs usage make it transparent for the user? I'll have to look into that. One of the nice things about the `preplace` functions is that even though they...
Coming back to this... So the convenience of the Pattern notation means it's easy to do something like this with `preplace`: ``` t> rotL 0 $ preplace (1,1) "1 0...
It works somewhat like `struct`, in that the first Pattern (the `"1 0 1"`) is a Pattern Bool. The difference is that the second pattern is treated as a list,...
I'm not sure I understand what `place` is doing, wouldn't it make more sense for the second to evaluate to ```|a yc x|b za y|``` And what happens if you...
OK, coming back to this... So if I'm thinking about this correctly, if a mini-notation were to produce a pattern of lists with ":", then that would have to happen...
Meant to comment earlier - I did take a look at modifying the parser but got a bit stuck on the seeming need for a new "atomic" type to handle...
OK, that's interesting... `listToPat` already exists, and `patToList` is fairly straightforward: ``` patToList p = value (flip queryArc) (Arc 0 1) ``` (could be generalized for longer Arcs) which means...
OK, I definitely need to dive into the new stateful stuff; I don't quite understand `nTake`
Infinite lists seem to clog up `pStateList` so that the state can't be further updated, might need a lazy map?