So at the moment iso can only reside in /efi/boot folder? And not in (usb root)/isos/distribution/somedistro.iso as ../../ is simply not processed correctly sc
To me absolute would be: (root)/folder1/file1 Relative would be (to where we start reading the config file from): ././folder1/file1 So if we have: (root)/EFI/boot/.MLUL-Live-USB and (root)/isos/ubuntu/ubu.iso then it would mean...
They also work in subfolders EFI/boot/isos/Linux/ubuntu.iso
So now we closed the circle, link from one to the other & back...
That was rather DRASTIC "solution"!
NO, because there is no verbose parameter available (or mentioned at all)
Tried it and got error that such parameter is not valid (unless it matters that order it is in?) Maybe you can add it to the actual code?
Same happens on clean install on RPi3B with 3.9.6 In fact on boot Airplay does not start, it can be manually started when device is up
Line 1848 Adjust, so it reads: {$_.ImageName -ilike "*$($Edition)"} Remove the second asterix * after Edition
I could not figure out what it accepted as Index (because the number or the name was not accepted)