Hi,I have encountered the same problem. Have you solved it? Traceback (most recent call last): File "./test_wu/", line 109, in x, y = dataimport(filepath1, filepath2) File "./test_wu/", line 33, in...
Sorry, I still wonder what this sentence " If it become greater than 2pi, I just added 2pi" means? What should I do if I need to get the right...
If it become greater than 2pi,Shouldn't 2pi be subtracted?
Thanks for your reply! But I also have a question: In a period, the phase value ranges from 9 to 13 such as in "input_161219_sankalp_walk_6", and the phase difference is...
I I have been puzzled by the above question for several days. Could you give me some answers? All help will be appreciated!
Thanks! I have read your code, but I still don't understand the purpose of phase calibration. Why should you calibrate the phase? Is there a problem with the original phase?...
"y = np.zeros(((len(tmp2) + 1 - 2 * window_size)//slide_size+1,8))" Line 46 I feel confused, Could you help me?
Thanks for your reply! Another question,:Would you mind shaing your code of Figure4 in your paper?Why can't I get the result of Figure 4 when I use STFT? I am...