Benjamin Wuethrich

Results 30 comments of Benjamin Wuethrich

I'll have a look this weekend, can you leave that repo up so I have access to the logs and can fork it to test stuff locally?

I can reproduce this in a clone of your repo, but I don't understand why it happens. When running the action locally, trying to create the reference even returns a...

When using a personal access token with `repo` scope instead of the standard `GITHUB_TOKEN`, the workflow running online now *also* gets ```txt gh: Not Found (HTTP 404) { "message": "Not...

@asbjornu Definitely a good suggestion 🙂 I've spun it out into its own issue. This issue here is meant to include/exclude specific files, which is more of a function of...

Sorry, I somehow never saw this issue. Where and when does this happen?

I've encountered the same thing. A minimal code block like ~~~markdown ```yaml --- toc: true ... ~~~ is displayed as an empty block as soon as I move to the...

I have teams as code owners defined in that repository, and marking a PR as ready is actually requesting a review from them – might that be the reason?

I have created a [POC repo]( with a workflow that tries to mark a PR as ready. Here is an [example workflow run](, with the mutation to mark the PR...

> For now, a generated GITHUB_TOKEN is not allowed to mark a PR as ready to review, but you might be able to circumvent this by creating a Personal Access...

Looks like it's been [released](!