Leo Alekseyev

Results 17 comments of Leo Alekseyev

The which-key-delay-functions trick works well and is very helpful for me in vterm. Add this to the docs maybe?

> How can we understand that the new state with fewer elements is not a "good state"? In my experience the "fewer elements" state always correlates with a lot of...

If we know the buffer is in an error state, then maybe just don't let the user click. Or reset the timer and update the state right then. Feel free...

FWIW we are observing inexplicable restarts with exit code 0 without k8s (we are running in docker-compose). In our deployment nginx is used as a very lightweight API proxy and...

This is not an isolated edge case. I just hit this exact same error in doom emacs calling M-x helpful-callable RET yas-expand RET. Looking up help for something as popular...

See gif for illustration. I am invoking the teleport action (i.e. pressing "t" before the avy hotkey). The behavior is expected to be the same in both cases, namely, `line...

This regression was introduced in d4dec3565870b96abff0f08f1b638b9d527a7086 and can be fixed by setting ``` (setq doom-emoji-fallback-font-families nil) ``` And look, I get it, we all love emoji but breaking neckbeards' carefully...

I see this breakage occasionally in Doom emacs, in evil-visual-line-mode. Manually evaluating `(setq-local transient-mark-mode t)` seems to fix it.

How difficult would this be to implement? The workaround you suggested isn't very different from navigating with super-arrows, and then taking the window back to where you came from with...