Didrik Nordström

Results 27 issues of Didrik Nordström

Following some [conversation in wg-async-foundations](https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/187312-wg-async-foundations/topic/async.20guide.20revamp), we've been proposing to revamp the async book to focus better on using and understanding async Rust. Currently, the book mixes _advanced topics_ such as...

Instead of just an executable file named make, create a real GNU make file. This would be a better idea i think… There could be also be separate labels for...


There are a few false positives in some antivirus programs, such as Bitdefender. Payload does **NOT** contain any malware, spyware or adware. See https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/issues/4749 for details. If you run into...

A user reported a dyld load time error, preventing Payload from starting. See stack trace here: https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/issues/4387 It was root-caused to mac-notification-sys, which is a Tauri dep: https://github.com/h4llow3En/mac-notification-sys/issues/45 This issue...


The builtin [BigInt type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt) is supported in many browsers and in NodeJS (such as the fs.stat API). Current behavior is particularly spurious and can cause bugs: `Long.fromValue(55n)` results in 0...

help wanted

I'm modifying a library that uses objc. I need to import a constant NSString. I tried `const* NSString` and `Id` but rustc warned me that these are not "FFI safe"....

I'm seeing breakages with Webpack, and several other issues and forks seem to indicate issues with bundlers. My understanding, which is shallow, is that at one point it was recommended...

UPNP has an `addAnyPortMapping` method where the gateway selects a free high-number port, avoiding collisions with an existing port. It seems PMP has an equivalent: ``` If the client would...

Anecdote: I successfully used [es6-promisify](https://www.npmjs.com/package/es6-promisify) with this module: ```js const client = new NatAPI() const asyncMap = promisify(client.map.bind(client)) // ... await asyncMap({..}) ``` Would you consider a PR to make...

Something like this would have been awesome: $.mapKey(['w', 'a', 's', 'd'], function(key) { ... }); Or maybe something like $.mapKey('w', move, DIRECTION_UP); where move is a function and DIRECTION_UP is...