Results 45 comments of Bet4

You may use [hyperinator]( to automate this process.

`` should only need to be started once, then you can leave the `Hyper` there and never close it. (But I notice that sometimes `` may be stopped by Ctrl-C,...

`` should only need to be started once, then you can leave the `Hyper` there and never close it. (But I notice that sometimes `` may be stopped by Ctrl-C,...


Thanks for your attention! I think Kali/Debian user only need to find their own ways to install softwares mentioned, which should not be very difficult. If you encounter any issues...

This project only supports arm32 currently😅

I have developed a plugin base on `hyperlayout` which can configure the width and height of panes:

Currently there are more similar packages in `AUR` like `arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc` and `powerpc64-linux-gnu-gcc`. Hope we can reopen this issue until it's really solved.