Galvin Li
Galvin Li
Have you try the demo project?
Oh, you want the corner radius? You may need to use the `customView` to do that.
I mean you should make a custom view with corner the set it as the dropDownMenu.
@mjhassan you mean it won't work with Swift3 now?
You may need to set up a view to detect the use click outside the menu when it expanding. And control the `setExpanding` to close the menu.
@chinnuios This is different issue, please create another issue for your question. And it's better to provide more detail and code about how you use it.
@SD10 Sorry I'm late.
@SD10 I would try to completed more Chinese documents if I got some time. But maybe not so soon. If you thought some of them are urgent. Just tag me...
I also create an issue about this bug.
@dennisreimann I don't understand. Could you provide more information or some sample code?