
Results 68 comments of 白宦成

get, i wiil fix it at new version

Hi @yisen & @cs2393629, I fix it at #40 & https://github.com/bestony/logoly/commit/af6c93c556a8d4a5750367d4f2f2e80c0df2a996 with @qiuquanwu ‘ method, now maybe you can download it. The new version is online right now.

> I'm willing to open a PR for this. Seems "easy" (I guess?) just write code and make a PR :lol

主要是没有添加分页自动查询的逻辑,云开发一次性查询是 20 个。

考虑到不是每个用户都开启了 Cache ,所以采用 post_meta 来存储缓存的数据,相关代码在 https://github.com/bestony/pay-to-view-all/blob/ba31946f3c6ae7cfc0f96a66d2dd7a4f5ab015c3/pay-to-view-all.php#L172 如果后续有更好的方案,欢迎大家提出。