Results 29 issues of besendorf

Sometimes the hook stops on the keymap step and I have to stop the install with Ctrl + C. This does not happen always but just sometimes. Can I somehow...

Hi, thanks a lot for this app. As someone living in Germany I appreciate it! It would be a very nice feature for me if the app could also add...


The files in the .zip files are not stored as intended in subfolders but rather have `\` in their filenames. Example: `\apks\` Seems to be a problem with Windows path...

In dem Textbaustein zu GitHub Pages steht: > "Es erfolgt kein Tracking und wir haben auf diese Daten keinen direkten Zugriff, sondern erhalten lediglich eine anonymisierte, statistische Zusammenfassung. Diese beinhaltet...

Hi, I uninstalled go-luks-suspend with ```yay -R go-luks-suspend``` but when I try to update the kernel now the suspend module cant be found ``` (6/9) Updating linux initcpios... ==> Building...

The linked guide is offline.

### What happened? When customizing the settings during install the imager allows setting a hostname. One cannot edit the domain and it is set to ".local". .local should not be...


I noticed on my C9 that Sponsored segments are skipped on Youtube Shorts Videos even if SponsorBlock is disabled. However this even happens when there are no sponsored segments on...

Hey, I just wanted to submit a case to be considered to be brought to a court of law. However the form wouldn't let me since I selected 2 documents...