
Results 10 comments of berti2911

Thanks to "TheReiner" for presenting this new kamereon key. I searched again at least 3 hours for solving the authorisation problem. The new key works but how long.. this is...

Here is a new buyer :-) I had the same problem and with the hint of your post i know now that the unknown charge mode message disappears when you...

Thanks for your quick answers, i will now reduce the frequence of polling and call the API only for 2 hours in the morning. As you can see in my...

Also i looked at the EV Charge Controller and saw that it supports my go_echarger. But I can not imagine how to get the battery level with this API because...

Sorry, no experience with this. I tried first to make seldom requests but still not works. Now i stoppt it completely and had to wait some time. Does anyone know...

Now it is working, i've waited for 4 hours without any API request.

Hi, i had the same issue and now it workes with the keys of kozmos. Then i played a bit with the keys. Here are my results: the Gigya-key is...

@Podariss, @brusch: maybe it helps to delete first the lokal file .credentials/pyze.json before starting again with pyze login?

@Heckmic: Did you use exactly the following KEY? Only this one worked for me. export KAMEREON_API_KEY="Ae9FDWugRxZQAGm3Sxgk7uJn6Q4CGEA2" And of course you have to login again: pyze login

Are you using pyze? If not maybe you could download this library and look in the code how the web-service or link is formed. For pyze it is essential to...