Bernie Zhao
Bernie Zhao
@jonnybee it is not ideal but currently I have server side read database and export to an HTML page with nuggets, then parse them into a PO file using c#....
@suddenelfilio I'm using owin/WebApi2 with IIS, can you please enlighten me what changes I need to make to make i18n work? Thx.
There are some structure challenges. OWIN uses middleware which uses .NET 4.5. It also uses Microsoft.Owin instead of System.Web. Therefore it seems like we need to move Pipeline folder out...
@turquoiseowl I created a pull request to add support for Owin hosted in IIS. For self-hosted Owin we will need major structure changes. Let me know how do you want...
I recently created a console application to translate string in JSON files, offline, no web server invovled. I used TextLocalizer and repositories and it worked really well. This made me...