Bernat Gel
Bernat Gel
No problem at all :) Glad it worked! On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 11:35 AM mea2712 wrote: > Hi Bernatgel/Karyoploter > You're right. It's working now. > It produced...
That might be a useful addition to karyoploteR. I'd need to check the exact filtering process and how it would interact with the other parameters, specially with graphic parameters annotating...
Hi Vic, Currently, it is possible to label the top X% of markers in a plot but this cannot be done automatically. You'll need to identify and label them manually...
Hi @nirvana693 I'm not sure I see what the problem is, so I'll try my best to guess it. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If you are able to...
Hi @nirvana693 Thanks for the report and the attached files! I'll take a look at it and try to find out what's going on. I won't be able to take...
Thanks for the updates! This is a strange behaviour. I'll take a look at it!
Hi all, Sorry for taking this long to answer. This issue got under my radar. @sihellem In your case, the most probable cause is that you have named your genome...
Hi @auroramaurizio I'm glad you find the package useful. Adding the capability to draw dendograms to karyoploteR is on the TODO list and has been for quite some time. It's...
Hi @JWDebler This plot was probably not created with karyoploteR. There are no options to create these telomere marks, but I would have suggested building your own with kpPoint and...
Hi @yonniejon What you need here is to change the "Plot Params". The idea is to create a `plot.params` object, modify the values you need and then use it as...