Bernard Beckerman

Results 14 comments of Bernard Beckerman

Hi @mli-wish, first of all, sorry for the late reply! As for your question, I believe you can provide the parameterization of the desired status-quo arm to the `status_quo` argument...

Hi @jultou-raa, thanks for posting here! Let me follow up with the team and get back to you.

Hi @jultou-raa, would you be able to share the code you're using to run AxClient API? There is a way to do this, but the best way depends on your...

@sgbaird thanks for this response, and @jultou-raa sorry for the late reply! I agree with everything @sgbaird said, and also want to ask a bit more about your use case,...

Hi @alxfed, thanks for reporting this! I just saw you closed this out - is this because your hypothesis from before > is this because I should have used the...

Hi @mango-picket, thanks for asking this : ) > assuming I don't want the trial to be abandoned, or failed Why don't you want the trial to have a FAILED...

@mango-picket the experiment is designed to be a record of all trials run, including failed/abandoned trials, so setting a status (e.g., FAILED) that causes Ax to ignore the trial is...

@yuanquan010 sure thing! glad it's been useful : ) How many trials have you used this generation strategy to produce? I ask because if it is 5 or fewer trials,...

From a chat with @lena-kashtelyan: "I think the user is seeing this issue because the modular BotAx model doesn't implement `feature_importances` method, so it's falling back to the one in...

Closing this out since it's been a while but @yuanquan010 please feel free to re-open if you're still having issues. EDIT: re-opening myself since this is to track a feature...