Andreas 'count' Kotes

Results 25 issues of Andreas 'count' Kotes

Sadly, the docs are somewhat incomplete. Can you provide a fully working, complete (like, or the classical ToDo example) for Flask? I'm happy to help write some, but...

When moving an RDB image to a different physical media/block device I wanted to patch the RDB to extend to the bigger size. Patching the RDB manually didn't work due...

Hello, I've got AmigaOS with MiamiDX pinging my network happily, but don't know whether it'd be possible to use it under Linux on the Amiga ( is the Linux side...

Heh ... had to figure that out the hard way ;)

doing: ``` --room-create 'testroom' --room-invite '#testroom:synapse' --user '@botuser:synapse' --room '#testroom:synapse' -m "Message 03" ``` results in: ``` [..] InviteMemberEvent |{"type": "", "sender": "@adminuser:synapse", "state_key": "@botuser:synapse", "origin_server_ts": 1629096986208, "unsigned": {"age": 85},...

Hello, considering the noticable stability of the Add-On: could you please submit it upstream, so it gets included in the nightly builds? It's a real pain building & installing it...

#### Summary I ran into highly indeterministic network problems when running microk8s 1.29 in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in WSL2, leading to multiple days of debugging. #### What Should Happen Instead?...

Hello, and thanks for this awesome project! There's a pg_influx extension available, adding InfluxDB Line Protocol support to PostgresQL. It's maintained by the folks at TimescaleDB, und and would make...

Hi, I'd love a way to see what's currently playing, i.e. `getTransportInfo`, `getPositionInfo` :) How would that be done?