Currently the following tasks used with `protobuf-gradle-plugin` operation modify the `bufbuild` build directory, but do not declare any outputs (Referenced via BufPlugin constants): - COPY_BUF_CONFIG_TASK_NAME - WRITE_WORKSPACE_YAML_TASK_NAME - CREATE_SYM_LINKS_TO_MODULES_TASK_NAME Most...
With [this]( previous issue, a breaking change with the `protobuf-gradle-plugin` and bug was fixed to remove linting/formatting of generated code. That fix addressed issues of performing linting of proto files...
This is a general question about the status of this repository, and who the official maintainer is. It looks like @timburks left Google earlier this month (5/2024). Is there anyone...
I've been observing some odd behavior in APM where gRpc server requests (`operation:grpc.server`) are not showing up under the expected resource name (e.g. `foo.package.Service/Method`), and instead appear with the resource...